Friday 31 May 2013

A month old!!

So my little girl is a month old.

Can't believe how quickly it's gone but so far so good.....

I was anxious about a number of things second time round but all has just fallen into place.
Iris is such a relaxed and chilled out baby she goes with the flow of our hectic family life and slots in perfectly. Previously I had spoken to friends with more than one child and this was the general impression I was given by them.. However I couldn't visualise it! And thought it could possibly end up in a hectic nightmare.


Things are a little different this time Iris is formula feeding rather than breast feeding it had been my intent to breast feed again however I did so for a week and after lack of advice or support was worried sick about her weight dropping....since making the decision I was reassured by other professionals that her weight loss wasn't as extreme as I was made to feel which really disheartened me. I do however stand by my decision to bottle feed as myself and Iris were getting stressed and unsettled. Iris is now in a fantastic routine and is sleeping virtually all night (8:30-5 ish) Tristan also loves being involved by allowing him to feed her!


I have been watching Tristan and Iris's relationship develop from day one...he was happy to look from afar but became more and more intrigued by her and the pure love he has for her is beautiful.
It's the moments when he doesn't know I'm looking I love the most and his impressions of me 'hello gorgeous girl' ( in a little high pitched baby voice) and reassuring her whenever she cries.
I couldn't have asked for more.

I am hoping to get Iris weighed next week so I can share her development on here along with her length.
Here are some photos from week 4 and a month old!!Also comparing Tristan and Iris at a month old!

But who is this a photo of?

I'll let you into a secret, even daddy got this wrong!! Revealed next post!

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